
Case Benghazi : Clinton impassive face of Republicans' attacks

It was a confrontation between Republicans and Democrats parliamentaries under the public eyes and Hillary Clinton. And overall, nothing new came out of this hearing.
The Conservatives have insisted on the safety measures that Hillary should have taken to protect diplomats in Libya. "Why their many requests, for better security, were they rejected in Washington ?" This question asked  since 2012, was repeated again by Republican Trey Gowdy, and she has not received a new answer. "I had more sleepless you all together, they conceded the former Secretary of State. I haven't stopped thinking about what we could have done more."
Democrats, for their part, came back on the seven previous commissions of inquiry, which concluded that the chief diplomat of the time didn't take the wrong decision, and have repeatedly accused the Republicans of having as one goal of lowering Hillary Clinton in the polls.
The tension between the members of the commission was obvious and the aggressiveness against Hillary Clinton sometimes on the verge of rudeness, but at no time, the positions of each others did seem to evolve.
If the hearing of Hillary Clinton was to be an important moment in the investigation into the attack in Benghazi, it was also a day that was to mark a turning point in the current presidential campaign.
Republican side, it didn't mark the desired points, cause the Conservatives have failed to destabilize the former Secretary of State. Two Republicans and an expert of panel have also said before the hearing that the purpose was "to kill" Hillary Clinton.
Democrat side, they were worried, and they probably expect the new surveys, whether this interminable hearing prejudice the Clinton candidate. Clearly, the presidential party politicians had agreed to come to her rescue, and to be on the offensive, when she seemed in trouble.
In fact, Hillary was extremely well prepared. And if at times the candidate seemed tired or even exceeded, she never raised her voice, and never lost his calm. These are the Democrats panel members, like Elijah Cummings, who said aloud what she thought (probably) a low voice : "This is the time for Republicans to stop this costly investigation that leads nowhere. We must start to make politic in the noble sense".

Source : RFI

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