
"I want to close Guantanamo"

Barack Obama keeps repeating it : he wants to close Guantanamo prison before the end of his term. In an interview with CNN this sunday, he reiterated his desire to honor the commitment he made when he arrived at the White House in 2009 : "I'll do everything I can to close the prison. This is something that continues to inspire the jihadists and extremists around the world. This is contrary to our values and it's extremely expensive. We spend millions out there for every individual".
But despite his desire to close the detention center, he is not sure he will succeed. There is still 132 prisoners, most of whom are "releasable" if countries agree to accept them. However, fifteen, including five responsible for the attacks of september 11, are too dangerous to be released.
A republican-controlled Congress refuses probably abolish the law that prohibits their transfer to the United States. Furthermore, few states are likely to have suspected terrorists on their territory, even in high-security prisons.

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