
CIA admits having used methods of interrogation "disgusting"

The CIA director gave a press conference this thursday, december 11th to comment on the Senate report on torture released yesterday. John Brennan has engaged in a very difficult exercise to defend the intelligence agency and his men, without contradicting President Obama. The latter authorized the publication of the report and unequivocally condemned the use of torture. It was also necessary to clarify the situation, as rumors of resignation or dismissal of the head of the CIA already ran.

John Brennan acknowledged que la CIA has used methods "repugnant". The exercise was complicated. The face extremely serious and tense for this special occasion, the CIA chief had to defend his men recognize mistakes, or injustement preserve reconstruct the image of the agency. It began by recalling the events of september 11 and the work of the CIA agents who continued to operate in the United States and in the field, to answer thesis attacks. It's on this setting emotional perspective that John Brennan has built his response to the Senate report on torture, released wednesday, december 10. Tense, the white vote in his opening remarks, he condemned the "harsh interrogation". Acts, he said, "that must never happen again". In essence, the Director of the Agency supports nuance the position of President Obama. CIA practices crossed unacceptable limits. The Bush team is not spared, orders were given, said John Brennan, defending the work of his agency and his men, who should not be treated as a few that are out of the box.
"The CIA was not prepared to conduct an interrogation and detention program. However, it is essential to recognize that the vast majority of the officers involved in this program to the CIA have fulfilled their responsibilities faithfully and in accordance with the law and the instructions given to them. They did what they were asked to do the service of our nation". As for any information obtained under torture, CIA director retracted his previous statements : "The detention and interrogation program has produced useful information. But we didn't come to the conclusion that it's this method that has allowed us to obtain this information from the detainees under the program. The cause and effect relationship between the methods used and useful information obtained will, in my view, never known".
The "torture" word was never used by John Brennan. These methods have actually allowed to obtain "useful information", but he said, "we will never know if they led to the hiding place of Bin Laden".

Source : RFI


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