
Terrorist attacks in Mali and Nigeria

 Two malian soldiers were killed yesterday in the Gao region when their vehicle, which was part of an official convoy hit a mine, killing at least five wounded. The Rural Development Minister and his delegation were unharmed in the attack and were forced to turn back. Some sources say that the device that exploded was buried in the ground on the Gao-Bourem stretch well before the passage of the ministerial convoy. But other sources, the jihadists informed the Minister of the trip would have posed express the mine on the road he should take with his delegation. Two soldiers in the convoy were killed and five others were wounded.
It's not the first time in this locality of Bourem. Last week, it's a kamikaze who killed himself by moving so muddled his explosive belt. In northern Mali jihadists play the card of asymmetric warfare, which basically boils down to ambushes in mine laying and surprise attacks.

In Nigeria, more than 45 people were killed in a double suicide bombing on tuesday 25 november, in a popular market in Maiduguri. The attack hasn't been claimed but observers attribute to the islamist Boko Haram sect which was founded in this city. Maiduguri had for a time been the scene of daily attacks. This time, the explosives were worn by female suicide bombers. This mode of action is increasingly used by Boko Haram. The first suicide bomber had landed next to a scooter motorcycle. She initially responded to a call on his mobile phone, made then drop the device and blew himself up. Ten minutes later, a young woman - who seemed to carry a baby under her long veil - approached the place where took place the first attack. The crowd had gathered and it is at this point that she, in turn, fired explosives she was carrying in the back making more victims than the first attack.
In recent months, such attacks have increased in Nigeria. The first of its kind was held in june in Gombe State, to a military base. Then in july, a series of suicide bombings were perpetrated by young girls in Kano, the largest city in the north, spreading psychosis. Many nigerian muslims even decided, from this series of attacks, abandoning traditional dress to avoid being seen as terrorists. 

Source : RFI

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