
Ten deads in a suicide attack in northern Cameroon

At least ten people were killed in a suicide attack in the night of Wednesday June 29 to Thursday June 30 in Far North province, in the border town of Nigeria.
The attack occurred at the Nigerian border, in the town of Janaka, around 21 hours, in a video room. "A kamikaze of the Nigerian Islamist group Boko Haram blew himself up in the night", told to AFP a source speaking on condition of anonymity. The information was confirmed by a source close to the authorities of the region.
"Seven people died on the spot, including kamikaze. Four injured were later succumbed to their injuries", said that security source. He said most of the victims were members of vigilance committees in charge of track Boko Haram fighters, affiliated since March 2015 at the Islamic State group.
It's the first suicide attack since several weeks in the border region of the Boko Haram area of influence in Nigeria.
Boko Haram, which has suffered major setbacks in recent months against the offensives by the armies of several countries in the region, multiplied the suicide attacks regularly using women and girls as "kamikazes" in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad and Niger. Suicide attacks frequently target mosques, popular markets, bus stations and checkpoints. Several attacks have also targeted displaced persons camps by the conflict which has lasted since 2009 and has made 20 000 deaths and 2.3 million refugees.

Source : Le Monde

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