
Iran's nuclear : sanctions will be lifted in stages after a final agreement

The United States said thursday that a possible lifting of sanctions against Iran over his controversial nuclear program would only "staged", once a final agreement sealed between Tehran and major powers.
"The sanctions will be suspended gradually and verifiably condition that Iran meet his commitments in accordance with a comprehensive and definitive action plan to be signed by 30 june", said the spokesman state department Jeffrey Rathke.  The american diplomat was asked about statements thursday of Iran's supreme leader, the ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who showered the hopes of reaching a final text in less than three months on the basis of the agreement on april 2 in Lausanne. "We'll not respond to every public statement by an iranian official or negotiate in public", replied Mr. Rathke, the US government has for months been silent on the content of negotiations on the iranian nuclear program.  
Washington, member of the Group 5 + 1 (the United States, China, Russia, France, UK and Germany) negotiating with Iran, however, had issued a four-page document detailing the "parameters" of a future final agreement that would resolve all the "details" technics. The agreement in Lausanne on april 2 has been described as mere "framework agreement" or "interim agreement" and Iran has released his own version of the document.
The two countries have been in recent days some differences on the content of which has been approved in Lausanne. And thursday, the ayatollah Khamenei remained cautious about the chances of a final agreement.
The agreement of Lausanne "guarantees neither the agreement himself, not his content, not even that the negotiations will go to the end", said the iranian leader. "Everything is in the details. It may be that the other party, which is unfair, want to limit our country in the details", he said, reiterating that his country wasn't seeking to build nuclear weapons.
On sanctions, the westerners require a gradual lifting as Iran's commitments will be verified by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN nuclear watchdog. But Iran wants them lifted upon the signing of the global agreement. A request reaffirmed thursday by President Hassan Rohani.
"The process of suspension or lifting of sanctions will only start once Iran has completed its key measures on his nuclear program",affirmed the spokesman for american diplomacy. "This corresponds to what we said in the past week and what we agreed in Lausanne", assured Mr. Rathke.

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