
François Hollande this sunday on Canal + for his 3 years at the Elysee

François Hollande will be sunday night the guest of a television program combining reports and interviews in which serious topics such as the fight against terrorism will mix with lighter sequences on the style of the president in power for nearly three years. 
After BFM TV and RMC, the second anniversary of its entry in the Elysee Palace, the head of state will be live on the plateau of the"Supplement" Canal + a broadcast to the public fairly young usually making a large place to derision.
Few announcements are expected during these two hours, during which the president will address according to relatives themes such as terrorism, economic and social reforms and climb of populism, nearly a month after the departmental elections marked by a push of the National Front.
"On the fight against terrorism, the tone will be extremely solemn, which doesn't exclude spontaneity and a more direct style", said one adviser. "It's also an opportunity to reconnect with the theme of youth, red wire of Five-Year".
For Jean-Daniel Levy, of the institute of polls Harris Interactive, François Hollande has everything to gain to show sincere, including during humorous sequences. "What we want to policies in France, it's to have a form of consistency, be yourself", said the political scientist. "If he gives the impression of making communication, it will not be good. But if there is a form of sincerity, it can benefit even if one broadcast doesn't change anything". 

Most major reforms are on track, we talk about Elysee source of an "operation results and prospects" of a five-year period from may 2012 marked by the crisis, growing unemployment and record a unpopularity under the Fifth Republic.
According to an Opinion Way's investigation for Le Figaro and LCI diffused friday, a large majority (79%) of french are unhappy with the action of the head of state since his election and only 20% of respondents are satisfied with his balance sheet.
On economic issues, Hollande could provide details of the labor law and social dialogue that the government intends to adopt before the summer, subject of delicate negotiations with the social partners and the left of the PS, at odds with the political choices of the executive.
The interview also will close a high-profile week for the other member of the executive couple, Manuel Valls.
The Prime Minister is the subject of an intimate documentary broadcast on France 3 including giving voice to the mother of tenant Matignon, born in Spain and naturalized at the age of 20 years. He also gave a long television interview to journalist Michel Denisot on Canal +. Omnipresent, Manuel Valls was also in the National Assembly during the current issues and to defend the bill on intelligence. Friday, he was still in the front line to present the plan to fight against racism and anti-semitism response in 40 points to concerns exacerbated by jihadist attacks in january. This dramatic sequence had allowed Francois Hollande repeat part of the delay in the polls, however little influenced by his many media services in recent months on such different media that channel TF1, RTL radio, the dailies like Le Parisien and Le Monde.

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