
Daesh claims the massacre at San Bernardino, California

The Islamic State group attributed this Saturday responsibility for the massacre of San Bernardino, which killed 14 people Wednesday in California, at two of his "partisans".
"Two partisans of the Islamic State attacked several days ago a center in San Bernardino in California," said the jihadist organization in his daily radio bulletin Al Bayan.
The news agency Amaq close to the Islamic State group was also informed on Friday that the perpetrators of the massacre at San Bernardino were "partisans" of the jihadist group. US government sources say that there is nothing to say that the attack was led by Daesh or even if the jihadist organization was aware of the murderous plans of the couple. But on Friday, the FBI would have reclassified the attack an act of terrorism.
The shooting was carried out by a married couple, who died in a shootout with police. This is Syed Farooq, an American of 28 years of Pakistani origin, employee health service of the city and devout Muslim. He was accompanied by his wife of 29 years, Tashfeen Malik. This woman, showed US authorities had pledged allegiance to the terrorist group on the social network Facebook, shortly before the shooting.

Source : BFMTV

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