
High-level talks between the two Korea announced

Counselors of Kim Jong-un, might meet this Saturday afternoon government officials of Seoul. The meeting is expected to take place in the border village of Panmujon. South Korean side, are announced the Minister of Unification, Hong Young-Pyo, and National Security Adviser, Kim Kwan-Jim.
North side, the top defense official, Hwang Pyong-So, considered like the number 2 of the regime, and the secretary of the Workers' Party Kim Young-Gon, alongside relations with the south. Purpose of the meeting : to try to appease the particularly bellicose verbal escalation between the two countries over the past few days, while North Korea had an ultimatum and threatened his historic rival of "total war" if didn't stop on the spot "his propaganda operations".
The North Korean army at the border has put on high alert after loudspeakers, South Koreans have been returned to service.

Source : RFI

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