
President Hollande condemns the criminal fire of the mosque of Auch

Francois Hollande condemned "with firmness" Monday the criminal fire of the mosque of Auch, in the Gers, noting that France's Muslims were "able to practice their religion freely and safely," said a statement from the Elysee.

Source : RFI


A plane crashed Saturday in Brighton on the south coast of England, during an air show

The aircraft struck several cars on the A27, a major road, north of Shoreham Airport, where the meeting was taking place, police said. The accident occurred at 12:20 GMT.
"There are several victims but we have no further information at this time", said the Sussex Police in a statement. The organizers of the meeting are meanwhile reported a "major incident" on Twitter.
According to media reports, the accident aircraft is a Hawker Hunter fighter of the 50s. The pilot would have been extracted from the rubbles on fire, they add.

Source : Ouest-France  

High-level talks between the two Korea announced

Counselors of Kim Jong-un, might meet this Saturday afternoon government officials of Seoul. The meeting is expected to take place in the border village of Panmujon. South Korean side, are announced the Minister of Unification, Hong Young-Pyo, and National Security Adviser, Kim Kwan-Jim.
North side, the top defense official, Hwang Pyong-So, considered like the number 2 of the regime, and the secretary of the Workers' Party Kim Young-Gon, alongside relations with the south. Purpose of the meeting : to try to appease the particularly bellicose verbal escalation between the two countries over the past few days, while North Korea had an ultimatum and threatened his historic rival of "total war" if didn't stop on the spot "his propaganda operations".
The North Korean army at the border has put on high alert after loudspeakers, South Koreans have been returned to service.

Source : RFI

Barack Obama salutes the bravery of two Marines in the Thalys train

President Obama expressed his "deep gratitude for the courage and responsiveness of several passengers, including members of the US military who have selflessly mastered the assailant".
He praised "the heroic actions" that have probably prevented "a much worse tragedy," adding that the United States would remain in "close contact" with the French authorities during the investigation that has just begun. The President extended a "rapid and complete recovery" has all the victims of the shooting. The commander William Utban, Pentagon spokesman, said that "a member of the army was injured during the incident". According to him, his prognosis is not engaged, but he was not able to give more detail. An armed man opened fire on Friday in a Thalys train between Paris and Amsterdam, wounding two persons, before being mastered by Americans passengers. The train was stopped at Arras station, where the shooter was arrested.
According to the American news channel CNN, the two marines were dressed in civilian clothes and have mastered the shooter while he was loading a Kalashnikov assault gun, after shooting one of the soldiers with an automatic pistol. A French police said the suspect, if his identity was confirmed, was the subject of an information services card. According to the first elements of the investigation, it would be Moroccan or Moroccan origin and age 26.

Earlier, Francois Hollande, Manuel Valls, and Bernard Cazeneuve also highlighted the bravery and courage of two American soldiers.

Source : Ouest-France


A TGV on fire near Lyon on the Paris-Marseille line

Firemen are at work, and disruptions already very important. The driving of a TGV on the Paris-Marseille line caught fire Friday afternoon, for a reason still unknown, and delays were expected Friday night in this railway line.
Firemen have indicated to Agence France-Presse (AFP) that a fire was in progress "on two oars of a train on the Paris-Marseille", and that some of the passengers were evacuated. The line is electrified, fire fighters had to wait for the traffic stop to intervene.
On Twitter, photos taken by passengers showed thick black smoke emerging from the motive of a TGV. Photos posted on the social network showed passenger evacuation. Shortly before 18:30, a passenger said by telephone to AFP that the train was blocked for "a good time".
SNCF was not immediately able to provide details. It was unclear whether the victims were reported. In Paris in Gare de Lyon, where trains arrive from Marseille, a panel was state, around 18:30, to "the failure of a train between Valencia and Lyon who strongly disturbs the traffic towards Paris".
The TGV from Marseille were displayed with three hours late, those from Hyeres, Barcelona, ​​Perpignan, with an hour and a half late.

Source : BFMTV 

Shooting at a Thalys train to Arras, the actor Jean-Hugues Anglade injured

Thalys train was diverted at Arras, reported several people on Twitter including a journalist of La Voix Du Nord.
The train is currently the subject of an intervention of the emergency services after a shooting.
The company ensures that the situation is under control and travelers are safe.
Also according to La Voix Du Nord, actor Jean-Hugues Anglade is injured from the shooting.

Source : Ouest-France


Jean-Marie Le Pen excluded of the National Front

According to a statement released Thursday night from the National Front, Jean-Marie Le Pen was excluded following the hearing which took place today at the party's executive bureau.
The statement added that "the full and reasoned decision will be notified shortly Mr Le Pen."

Source : BFMTV

The Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras resigns

Citing government sources, Greek media reported that Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has proposed in a televised message in the hours ahead of early elections for September 20. He must then submit the resignation of his government to the President of the Republic

Source : RFI

Facing the North Koreans fire, South Korea bombarded positions' North

This Thursday, August 20, the South Korean artillery shelled the North Korean with dozens of shells. And that as a result of North Korean gunfire against a southern speaker spreading propaganda, reported Yonhap, which cited the southern army.
North Korea hasn't, for the time, returned fire from South Korean artillery, yet the agency said

Source : RFI

Six police officers were wounded in a bomb attack in Cairo

A bomb attack, not claimed for now, was perpetrated last night in Cairo, in a northern district of the city, against a police station in the State Security (a police department).
"A stranger man stopped his car outside the building, got out and jumped on a motorcycle to runaway, then the car exploded," said the Interior Ministry in a statement. "Six policemen were injured".
The wall that surrounded the four-storey building collapsed and much of the building's windows were shattered, reported an AFP journalist on the spot. The bomb left a crater a meter in diameter in front of the entrance gate and the ground was littered with debris from the car bomb and broken glass.
The attack has not been claimed, but Province of Sinai, the Egyptian branch of the IU, regularly committing bombings and commando attacks to police and soldiers since the army deposed and arrested July 3, 2013 President Islamist Morsi elected in blood and represses his supporters.

Source : TF1


Major fire of the Cité des Sciences in Paris

A fire broke out last night at the Cité des Sciences, in the northwest of Paris. Currently, more than a hundred firemen are mobilized to contain the fire that broke out on the night of Wednesday to Thursday for unknown reasons.
Helmet, bottle on back, the fire fighters are coming and going on outside stairs site, and tens of meters of pipes are being made on the ground. An acrid odor emanates from the building but no black smoke.
Firemen were called at 2:30 am (local time). Some 10,000 square meters were affected by the fire and smoke just before 7am, in one of the buildings under construction, and firemen working in difficult conditions because of the size of the fire and the heat, has said the commander Gabtiel Plus, spokesman for the Paris fire brigade.

Source : Ouest-France

Men fired on two police officers in Sousse

A shootout took place in Sousse, according to Tunisian media. Two men on a motorcycle reportedly shot two police officers. One of them is in serious condition.

Sousse has already been the theater on June 26, a deadly attempt that killed 38 people.

Source : Ouest-France

Eight soldiers killed in an attack attributed to the PKK in the southeast of the country

Eight Turkish soldiers were killed on Wednesday in an attack that took place in the province of Sirt, in the southeast of Turkey, attributed to rebels Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), according to the pro-government agency Anatolia.

Source : RFI


The crash of the ATR 42 of Air Trigana left no survivor

There are no survivors. The bodies of the 54 people aboard the plane that crashed Sunday in Papua, in a remote mountainous region in eastern Indonesia were discovered Tuesday by rescue teams arrived at the site where the device is completely destroyed, officials said. A spokesman for the Department of Transportation, JA Barata, told AFP that there were no survivors, "The 54 bodies were found".
This plane crash of the regional transport company Trigana Air is the third air disaster in less than a year in this country of Southeast Asia with a poor record on aviation safety. The plane was flying between two cities in the eastern province of Papua is "completely destroyed", told AFP the director of the national search and rescue agency, Bambang Soelistyo after help arrived at the scene at 9:30 (0:30 GMT). "Everything is in pieces, and part of the plane was burned," he has said.
The aircraft had disappeared from radar screens Sunday on a flight of about 45 minutes between Jayapura, capital of Papua and Oksibil, a town just under 300 km to the south. The contact was lost ten minutes before landing, after the pilot had requested permission to start the descent in bad weather. No information was provided on the large amount of cash conveyed by postal employees Papua - 6.5 billion rupees (420 000) - which were to be distributed to poor families in the province.

Trigana Air, a small company founded in 1991 and serving forty domestic destinations, is on a blacklist banning flying in the EU. The company has experienced 14 incidents since its launch, according to the Aviation Safety Network, which lists the air accidents.

Source : Paris Match


Contact lost with an Indonesian airplane carrying 54 people

The ATR 42 of Air Trigana the company lost contact just before 6am GMT after taking off from Sentani airport in the provincial capital, Jayapua, said the emergency services on Twitter.
The turboprop airplane, which went to Oksibil, carrying 44 adults, five children and five crew members. He had been flying for about thirty minutes before disappearing.
The spokesman of the Ministry of Transport, J.A. Barata confirmed that the aircraft had lost contact with air traffic controllers, saying it was supposed to land at just after 7am GMT in Oksibil. "We don't know what happened to the airplane and we're coordinating with local authorities", je said. "The weather is very bad. It's dark and it's very cloudy. The conditions aren't conducive to research. The area is mountainous" he added.
Indonesia have a poor record on aviation safety. In December, a AirAsia airplane, from Surabaya (Indonesia) to Singapore is damaged in Java Sea, causing 162 deaths.

Source : Ouest France


The former General Staff of the Burundian army was assassinated

Colonel Jean Bikomagu was a figure of ex-Armed Forces of Burundi (AFB) during the civil war (1993-2006). He was murdered on Saturday in the capital by unidentified persons, while he retuned home in the neighborhood Kabondo.
The attackers opened fire on his car at the gate of his house. Her daughter was seriously wounded.

Source : RFI


Bomb blast in a Baghdad market

Dozens killed in a bomb attack in the middle of a crowded market in the Shiite suburb of Baghdad.
A refrigerated truck bomb exploded in the middle of a crowded market in Sadr City, northwest of Baghdad, killing at least 60 people dead and 200 wounded, according to police and medical sources.
The attack hasn't been claimed, but the group Islamic State, which has already committed similar attacks against the Shiite community, is suspected.

Source : RFI

The head of the Minusca was fired after charges of sexuals abuses children

In Bangui, the announcement of the dismissal of the head of the UN mission in Central Africa doesn't cause much reactions this Wednesday evening. Side the Minusca, the silence is total. It refuses to comment on the dismissal of the head of the UN mission in the country. It also refuses to make a connection with the recent accusation of rape and murder carried by the NGO Amnesty International against peacekeepers.
Difficult to see another motive in the forced resignation of Babacar Gaye. In his statement, the Secretary General of the UN, Ban Ki Moon said his anger to see the build up of sexual abuse reports. The latest event a few weeks, on 2 and 3 August. During a military operation in the district of PK5, a peacekeeper could raped a girl of twelve. The next day, soldiers reportedly shot two people, a man of 61 years and his son of 16 years, for no apparent reason, before refusing to take them to hospital. They deaded.

Source : RFI


A Rwandan soldier UN pulls on his fellow soldiers in the Central African Republic

A shootout bursted this Saturday morning in a Rwandan regiment of the Minusca in Central African Republic near the International Airport of Bangui.
According to a first official report, the gunman killed four of his companions before being shot.

Source : RFI


Daesh published a price list for sex slaves

More they are young, more they are expensive. A UN representative said she had in hand a rate list for sex slaves, published by the jihadists Daesh, reports Bloomberg. It was during a trip to Iraq last April that Zainab Bangura, the UN special envoy on sexual violence issues in the conflict zone, has discovered that Islamist tract including prices for female slaves.
"The girls are traded against oil drums", said Zainab Bangura. "A girl can be bought and sold for five or six different men. Sometimes fighters resell the girls from their families for ransom of several thousand dollars. On average, children, boys and girls, aged 1 to 9 years are worth 150 euros. Adolescent girls are worth, about 110 euros. Women above 20 years are not worth much".
According Zainab Bangura, leaders of armed groups have priority to choose a slave to their choice. Then the rich people of the region can be bidding. After these two steps, the remaining slaves are offered to foot soldiers at the indicated price. The price list was verified by the United Nations as well from the jihadist group.

Source : 20 Minutes

Jean-Marie Le Pen of the National Front called before the disciplinary board

Jean-Marie Le Pen is convened on August 20 before the executive council of the party "acting in disciplinary training", according to a letter signed by the president of the party, his daughter Marine Le Pen and dated Tuesday.
This letter details the various points alleged to founder of National Front, including his comments on gas chambers and Marshal Petain.
In a statement to AFP, Jean-Marie Le Pen asserts that "the process is quite despicable and unworthy of a candidate for president of the Republic".
"Upon leaving for a rest cure and the day of Saint-Jean-Marie, Marine Le Pen, makes me appear before its executive office in disciplinary training, August 20, in the middle of the holiday months of French", said Mr Le Pen in a statement, which he joined Mrs Le Pen's letter.
The National Front has confirmed that this letter was sent by Mrs Le Pen to the former president of the party. "Already sentenced three times by justice, Mrs Le Pen insists and want to exclude me from the movement of which I am the founder and honorary president" continues Mr Le Pen, adding, "all exposed grievances belong to my freedom expression of politician and parliamentarian, in a polemic which I didn't take the initiative".

Source : Ouest France

Al-Qaeda has captured five Syrians rebels trained by Americans

The branch of Al Qaeda in Syria kidnapped at least five rebels trained and equipped by the United States in the northwest of the country, less than a week after having captured eight.
"The Al-Nusra Front has taken between Monday and today at least five rebels in Division 30 of QAH village near the Turkish border", said Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

Source : RFI


The former chief of staff of President Lula questioned in the case of the investigation into the scandal Petrobras

According to the prosecutor in charge of the case, Carlos Fernando dos Santos Lima, Jose Dirceu would be one of the instigators of corruption system set up in the national oil company. He was the chief of staff of former President Lula 2003-2005.
Dirceu unlawfully received at least 39 million reais, more than 10 million euros, through his consulting company, JD Assesoria, in exchange for benefits that investigators consider fictitious.

Source : Euronews

A Malian army camp attacked by terrorists

In Toumbouctou region, in northern Mali, a Malian army camp was attacked by "terrorists" early this Monday, August 3, indicated to AFP two Malians military sources. According to one source, the assault took place "at about 5.30am". Additional troops were dispatched to the scene of the attack.

Source : RFI

Nigerian army announced that released 178 hostages of Boko Haram

New offensive against Boko Haram in Nigeria. The Nigerian army announced that freed 178 hostages held by the Islamist group. Of this total, there are 101 children and 67 women according to a military spokesman who also said that the operation had taken place in the state of Borno, heart of the Islamist insurgency.
A Boko Haram commander was also captured and several jihadists camps scrapped. The Nigerian military claims to have conducted air strikes around the village of Bita while the Islamists were preparing to launch a new offensive.
These actions come as the new Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari has erected a priority the fight against Boko Haram since his inauguration in late May. A multinational force of 8700 men is up with Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Benin even though his appointment scheduled July 31 was delayed.
Symbol of strength of Boko Haram, the 276 high school students from Chibok remain unaccounted for their spectacular kidnapping in April 2014. Only 57 of them managed to escape.

Source : Euronews


Cameroonian intelligence services have foiled an attack by Boko Haram against the Chadian president

In January, Cameroonian intelligence services have warned Chad of an imminent attack of Boko Haram against the procession of Chadian President Idriss Deby, reveals Jeune Afrique, quoting a source in the Cameroonian security services in his number to appear on newsstands tomorrow.
Telephone communications had been intercepted and the authors informed the routes taken by the motorcade of the head of state, but also the frequency of his movements and the importance of his safety device, said Jeune Afrique.
Cameroonian intelligence services have been thwarted an attack that would have been fatal for Chad, countries front line against Boko Haram (Islamic state in West Africa).
The safety of the Chadian Head of State, which plans to inaugurate tomorrow the new headquarters of the National Social Insurance Fund (CNPS) to N'Djamena, must be strengthened.

Source : OCameroun

Former chief of staff of the army of Burundi was assassinated

Former Chief of Staff of the Army and often presented as one of the pillars of the regime Nkuruziza, General Adolphe Nshirimina was the victim of a rocket attack against his car in Bujumbura in the morning.

Source : RFI