
Dylann Roof inculpated for the murders of nine persons in Charleston

Dylann Roof, who confessed to the police being the author of the worst racist killings in the US for decades was charged friday for the murders of nine persons, said Charleston Police on his Twitter account.
The young man of 21 killed nine persons in a church of the black community in Charleston wednesday night before being arrested thursday by police.
Roof told the officers who questioned him that he wanted "to declare a race war", says CNN, citing an unnamed police source. He cooperates with his interrogators, also said a police source in the local channel NBC.
Among his nine victims, aged 26 to 87 years, included four pastors with an elected local Democratic Senate Clementa Pinckney.

Dylann Roof spent an hour with the victims during a Bible study session before shooting them with an automatic pistol. According to a reporter from NBC News, citing unnamed sources, Dylann Roof hesitated to pass the act because "everyone was so nice to him".

Nikki Haley, Republican Governor of South Carolina, said that Dylann Roof deserved the death penalty, which is still in applicable in the state. "This is a racist crime by excellence", she said to NBC television"We definitely want it to be sentenced to death. This is the worst hate I've seen, or that the country has seen in years",she said, promising to "fight it and fight it with all our strength".

Source : Ouest-France


The presumed author of shooting in Charleston was arrested

The presumed murderer of nine persons, shot wednesday in a church of the black community in Charleston in the United States, was arrested on thursday.
The man, suspected of having committed one of the worst killings motivated by racial hatred for many years in the United States, was arrested in Shelby, North Carolina in the late morning, announced the head of the Charleston Police, Gregory Mullen.
The suspect was identified as Dylann Roof, 21 and living in the area of Columbia, the capital of South Carolina, located two hours drive northwest of Charleston, where shooting in Charleston took place, according to local authorities.
Wednesday night, the young white man walked into the church and is "stayed for nearly an hour with the group" who studied the Bible before opening fire killing nine persons, including the pastor of the parish.
After taking the leak, the US Federal Justice opened an investigation for "hate crime" to activate additional federal resources.

Source : Ouest-France

A white man kills nine blacks in a church in Charleston

According to the Charleston Police, South Carolina, this is a "hate crime".
Racial tension was at his height. When this is not the police who murdered blacks, it's the people who care. Wednesday, a young man, white, 21, opened fire in the Emanuel AME (African Methodist Episcopa) Church, a place of worship frequented by african americans. Appraisal : nine people died.
"We saw that there were eight people died inside the church", advised Gregory Mullen, Charleston Police chief. He added : "At this stage we have nine victims of this hideous crime that was committed". Before concluding that this is a "racist murder".
"According to the WCIV television, a man wearing a backpack and a camera was arrested by police who said later that she was still looking for the guilty", indicated the newspaper website Ouest-France.

A black series

Saturday, April 4, Michael Slager, police officer of 33 years, stopped a car driver, a black man of 50, Walter Scott, before he tries to run away. This is where the policeman shoots him in the back at point blank range eight bullers. The incident occurred in Charleston, South Carolina.
In early June, a texan police officer resigned after pinned to the ground and handcuffed teenager, aged 14, who was no danger, in McKinney, in the State of Texas. Worse, it has stopped that black teenagers who were participating in a "Pool Party" without worry whites.

The Washington Post count the number of people killed by police in USA the past five months. In total, 385 people died under the bullets of the forces of the american order. According to the survey published in late May, two-thirds of unarmed victims are black or hispanic.
Two months after the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, it's clear that racial tension isn't ready to fall back into the country.

Source : Nofi


Attack of the Rue des Rosiers : one of the brains arrested in Jordan after 32 years

The presumed logistician for the attack of the Rue des Rosiers in Paris (August 9, 1982) was arrested in Jordan. Souhair Muhammad Khalid al-Hassan Abassi, aka Amjar Atta, 62, should soon be extradited to France.
In the context of the investigation into the attack, now led by the anti-terrorist judge Marc Trevidic, warrants of arrest had been delivered last February against three alleged members of the commando which Amjar Atta. This latter was arrested on June 1 by jordanian secrets services.
Amjar Atta is suspected to have been the number 3 "Special Operations Committee" of Fatah-CR, a committee headed by Abu Nizar, the right arm of Abu Nidal. It would be one of the brains for the attack of the Rue des Rosiers.
August 9 1982, a grenade was thrown inside a restaurant in the Rue des Rosiers, and a shootout had broken out in the streets. The attack killed six people and wounded 22 others. Not claimed, he had been assigned to the Abu Nidal Organization, dissident branch of the palestinian Fatah. Mahmoud Khader Abed Hicham Adra aka Harb (war in sunni tribe), 59, who now lives in Ramallah, West Bank, Abu Abdulrahman and Walid Zayed, aka "Suhail Othman", 56, who lives in Norway, presumed members of the commando who committed the attack, are also the subject of an international warrant of arrest.

Source : Le Parisien


PlayStation proclaims the arrival of a "new age" of virtual reality

Sony proclaimed the arrival of a "new age" for his Playstation console, including the rise of virtual reality, late monday night at a press conference.
"We are seeing an historic evolution in the field of play", assured the director of the division of computer games in North America, Shawn Layden, during a press conference on the eve of the opening of E3 in Los Angeles.
As Microsoft had done earlier on monday, the japanese entertainment giant has put the spotlight on his exclusive contents, hoping to win the hearts of addicts video games against his US rival.
PlayStation welcomes in particular in his platform the game bestseller "Call of Duty" through an alliance with his publisher Activision, according to Andrew House, one of the leaders of the Sony Computer Entertainment division. "This is the beginning of a new age for PlayStation", he insisted.
Sony Studios leaders have argued that the group would expand the range of his successful game "Destiny". Some 20 million people have already played "Destiny" in the year following his release, and a suite of "Taken King" is also being developed, according to Adam Boyes, an official of PlayStation.
Other successful titles promised to fans of the PlayStation include "Uncharted 4 : A Thief's End" is expected early next year alongside a modernized version of "Last Guardian" of "Hitman", "Star Wars", and a remake of "Final Fantasy Seven ".
The group also unveiled a new sequence of "Horizon Zero Day", a game that happens in an apocalyptic future where all cities are dead, where nature took back her rights and where tribes face of evil robots.
Mr House promised that players could admire the landscapes at 360 degrees in worlds visited during a game, through technology and Morpheus virtual reality equipments.
"The Morpheus Project is real, he continues to evolve and feed the imagination of programmers", assured Mr House.

Source : France 24


Genzebe dibaba in the footsteps of her sister

In the Dibaba family, there is the eldest Ejegayehu, silver medal in 10 000 m at the Athens Olympics and double world champion cross, the youngest Tirunesh and her five World Championships (three gold medals Olympic) , in addition to the cousin Derartu Tulu, the first black african woman to win an Olympic title. For two years, we must now count on the youngest Genzebe, breathtaking indoor.
And the young ethiopian athlete, 24, intend to "kill her sisters", this thursday, June 11, by attacking the world record in the 5,000 m, held by Tirunesh since 2008. "Now it 's for me to come in and break that record", said she dropped in the introduction of the Oslo meeting.
Too full of confidence which is easily explained : Genzebe Dibaba maddens counters, to the point of holding the world records in the 1,500 m, 3,000 m and of the 5000 m. And the heiress is in shape as evidenced by her 14'19''76 made there about ten days in Eugene (USA). Simply the fifth lap of the history of the distance.
The only question mark for Genzebe, his ability to make outdoor performances. Her records indoors are, yet, superior to his personal records, despite considerably banked turns and a more confined air. A paradox that doesn't seem worry her coach Jama Aden.

Source : RFI


Investigation initiated to Apple Music for unfair competition

Just announced with great fanfare on monday by Apple at the Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco, Apple Music is already in the sights of justice. The Attorney General of the State of New York Eric Schneiderman and his counterpart in Connecticut, George Jepsen, be interested closely the negotiations conducted by the Cupertino company with major record labels.
They were already part of the group of 33 prosecutors who sued Apple and book publishers for the agreement on tariffs for e-book. An amicable agreement was reached and the Apple brand had discharged 450 million dollars compensate.
The two prosecutors who conducting the investigation looking into whether the competition rules have been broken and have harmed competition. They suspect any particular pressure of Apple on labels or, conversely, if there could have been an agreement to weaken the free streaming services like Spotify.
It's the major Universal Music which revealed the affair by sending a letter of defense to the Attorney of New York. Also in Europe the European Commission examines closely the agreements between record companies and newcomer in paid streaming. For his part, the competition is organized. Spotify already next new rates arrival can counter the offer to 14.99 dollars/month for the family has up to six simultaneous users. In France, Spotify offers 5 people is € 29.99. In Sweden it's 20 dollars. A rate that could be generalized, suggests the director of the communication Jonathan Price.

Sourcen : LCI


The american police release a video of the death of a suspect to silence the rumors

US authorities released monday a video showing the death of an alleged islamist shot dead by police last week in Boston, Massachusetts, to silence the rumors.
Daniel Conley, Suffolk County District Attorney assigned to investigate the legitimacy of the death of Usama Rahim, justified the distribution of this video explaining that it was for the authorities to end the "rumors and false informations".
The family of Rahim, a 26 year old security employee suspected of having planned to behead police in the name of jihad, had initially said that he was shot in the back. She could view the video last week before her funeral. She said monday in a statement posted on Facebook that the video was important "as much for what it doesn't show, for what it shows". She said the video shows that their son "doesn't violate the laws""The video reveals part of the story but not the whole story. The video shows that the security forces fired on Rahim, but there is no visual evidence that Rahim was brandishing a knife", she says.
The images show Rahim walking to a bus stop, while police officers approach him before to deviate, Rahim then collapses to the ground. The images missing clearness were filmed tuesday, June 2 by a security camera of a restaurant located two blocks away from the deadly confrontation between Rahim and law enforcement.
According to police, the young man was killed after refusing to obey the instructions of police asking him to drop the knife he holded. These requests aren't audible on the video, and the knife isn't visible clearly.
"It happened very quickly. I think they (the police officers) had the right reaction", said monday William Evans, head of the Boston Police to the press.
Usama Rahim bought three military-type knives and a knife sharpener on the internet in order to "take" to the "men in blue" this week, according to court documents released wednesday. An alleged accomplice was arrested in Boston the day after his death. David Wright, 25, was charged with conspiracy to obstruct a federal investigation.
According to court documents, Rahim had "planned to launch a violent attack in the US" from May 26. After received by post the three knives, he would have fomented his plan with Wright and a third person on a beach in Rhode Island the weekend before his death.
The first idea was to behead a stranger in another state, said Wright to justice. But Rahim phoned him tuesday morning to say he changed his mind and that he "would take" more to "men in blue" by killing random Massachusetts police tuesday or wednesday. He was killed two hours later.

Source : Yahoo News


Horst Brandstatter, the founder of Playmobil, died !

Horst Brandstätter, head of brand of toys Playmobil which was originally famous plastic figures, died wednesday, June 3 at the age of 81 years, announced monday his family business.
"With Horst Brandstätter, the Playmobil family loses not only his head, his owner and his patriarch, but the toy industry in Germany also loses one of his most important figures", said in a statement Geobra Brandstätter.

Born June 27, 1933 in Zirndorf, small bavarian town near Nuremberg (south), which is still the headquarters of Geobra Brandstätter, Horst Brandstätter entered in 1952 in the toy company from 1908, headed by two uncles. Quickly convinced that the future of the toy is now more to plastic than to the metal, one that followed a mold designer training is experiencing a first commercial success in the late 1950 with the launch of the Hula Hoop. This hoop plastic that many generations have turned around their waist. But it is the oil crisis of 1970 which will provide at the company of Horst Brandstatter, his greatest success and will save it from bankruptcy. Faced with the rising cost of plastic, Horst Brandstatter, asked his designer Hans Beck molds to create an expandable game system requiring minimal raw materials. This is the birth of the famous figure of 7.5 centimeters in height, with three original models (Indian, knight and labor) have quickly made a splash. It was thanks to Playmobil, who celebrated last year his 40th anniversary, the company becomes the first german toy manufacturer, before the group of Ravensburger puzzles and board games. In 2014, his turnover reached 595 million euros.

Horst Brandstatter, prepared his succession in the 1990, creating a foundation that must now administer the group according to his wishes.

Source : L'Express


First picture of Bruce Jenner became a... woman

Bruce Jenner shows to the world his new female face for the cover of Vanity Fair in the USA. The US Olympic decathlon champion in 1976 and former stepfather of Kim Kardashian was photographed by Annie Leibovitz for a photo shoot for a cover of a number of summer.
If he made revelations about his wishes of transformation, Bruce Jenner is still hitherto never appeared in a feminine appearance and also didn't know the new name he has chosen.
"Call me Caitlyn" the american reality tv star, olympic champion and new flagship transgender Bruce Jenner completed his change of sexual identity with a sexy pose on the cover of Vanity Fair.
This is the first time that the stepfather of Kim Kardashian reveals the female name he chose, inscribed in black letters on the cover of the July issue of the magazine.
It shows Caitlyn/Bruce with a strapless white satin bodysuit, sitting on a stool, with long wavy brown hair. She/he looks straight into the lens of the great photographer Annie Leibovitz celebrities, smiling slightly.
Caitlyn Jenner also opened her account on Twitter, his first message was relayed monday with more than 165,000 times : "I'm so happy after such a long struggle to be living my true self. Welcome to the world Caitlyn. Can't wait for you to get to know her/me".
"Caitlyn Jenner" not only was the head of the most popular hashtag daily on Twitter and most viewed topics on Facebook, but also broke the record for the Twitter account that has grown the fastest.
According to the Guinness World Records website, accumulating 1 million subscribers in four hours and three minutes, Jenner beat President Obama whose @POTUS account took almost 5 hours to get there.
The long awaited reactions of girls and stepdaughters of reality tv star aren't made to expect : "be free now, pretty bird", tweeted his daughter model Kendall Jenner. Kim Kardashian, global celebrity and wife of rapper Kanye West"Be happy, be proud, live your life in YOUR way !". The sister of Kim, Khloe, went further : "We had life because you were strong enough to live I couldn't be prouder Caitlyn, you're beautiful..". The closest adviser of US President Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, for his part tweeted : "The courageous choice to live your true identity is a strong example for many others". Among the many messages of support, the creator of the hit series "Girls" Lena Dunham asked at Caitlyn to teach her "how to drive a car with manual transmission heels housing" and the star presenter Ellen DeGeneres stated wish that "we all as brave as Caitlyn Jenner".
Sarah Kate Ellis, president of GLAAD organization, which campaigns for acceptance of sexual identity, noted that "sharing its way with the world, @Caitlyn_Jenner accelerates acceptance of transgender everywhere". The singer Drake Bell, who tweeted "sorry, but I'll continue to call you Bruce", was done also roundly scolded on social networks, so that his name was the most used hashtag second day. ABC announced that Jenner receive the Arthur Ashe Courage Award at the ESPY ceremony, price performance of the year awarded by the sports channel ESPN. This award honors athletes whose aura beyond the world of sport, already granted to Mohammed Ali or olympic champion Cathy Freeman, among others.

In a television interview on ABC late April, after months of speculation in the press, the former athlete of 65 years said "basically Imma woman".
On his website, Vanity Fair shows several pictures that will appear in July: in particular we see Caitlyn Jenner slinky red dress, slim silhouette, driving a sports car, or posing in glamor long sheath.
In a video accompanying the interview with Vanity Fair, Caitlyn voiceover explains that before his transition, "Bruce was always to lie, every day, he had a secret".
"As soon as the cover of Vanity Fair is published, I'll be free", she says. Caitlyn Jenner tells the magazine she suffered a panic attack the day after a ten-hour operation to feminize her face on March 15 but that a counselor has made it clear that such reactions were classical and temporary.
The magazine also says that Jenner hasn't undergone genital surgery.

Source : Jean Marc Morandini

In 23 minutes, he lost 13 billion euros

On the morning of May 20, nothing foreshadowed some disappointment for the title Hanergy. Over the past twelve months, the group's actions had indeed jumped 664%. But at 10:17 a.m., a large sell order sent to the Hong Kong market, as reported by the website of Le Monde. This is the beginning of a chain reaction since a number of investors had programmed by computer to part with their shares in case of fall of the course. Within seconds, the title loses 25%. At 10:40 a.m., the quotation is suspended Hanergy has lost 47% of its value in 23 minutes.
Suddenly, Li Hejun, which holds three quarters of the capital of his society Hanergy, the equivalent of 28 billion euros, has lost 47% of his fortune.
The situation might have taken a different turn if Li Hejun hadn't brushed the general meeting of shareholders, which fed the rumors that the group was subject to an investigation into his practices. In fact, the billionaire had simply preferred to speak in Beijing for the opening of an exhibition center on renewable energy that he himself had financed.
This situation is the direct result of a decision of the chinese government to allow mainland China investors to invest in some stocks listed on the open platform that is Hong Kong. Which resulted in a massive influx of funds and creating a speculative bubble, particularly in renewable energy.

Source : Le Vif


Nepal : One month after the earthquake, children return to school

Thousands of children, still traumatized by the memory of the earthquake that devastated parts of Nepal a little over a month, returned to school this sunday.
The earthquake of magnitude 7.8 that occurred on April 25, followed by another strong quake on May 12 killed more than 8,600 people and destroyed hundreds of thousands of buildings, including many schools. Summaries classrooms were temporarily located away from vulnerable buildings threatening to collapse any time.
A schoolboy, 8 years old, is pasted to his father on the way of public school Madan Smarak in the Kathmandu Valley. According to his mother, the young boy terrorized by the earthquake refuses to be alone since. "The aftershocks continue. It's hard not to worry about sending children to school, but teachers have assured us that there was nothing to fear", she said.
Classrooms of bamboo were pitched on the football field. Other courses are held in local hard on which construction engineers wrote : "Safe".
"We stayed at home too long, it's nice to come and play here and see my friends", says a child of 9 years.
Older pupils are encouraged to cleaning out their closet front of their classmates to tell what they lived, the loss of their homes, and often, the death of a relative.
"We don't make course as usual, and we trained teachers to help children overcome the trauma of the earthquake", says the director, Govinda Poudel.

No less than 8,000 schools were damaged in Nepal. In the most affected districts, Gorkha, Nuwakot and Sindhupalchowk, these are 90% of the institutions that were set down.
The schools were initially to reopen May 17, but the reply of 12 May, of magnitude 7.4, differed the return of school.
The general director of education in Nepal, Dilli Ram Rimal, hoped that schools will be more and more numerous in the days and weeks ahead to be able to welcome their students.
"We know that all schools don't have the resources to operate. But education is an important part of the rebuilding process and we must begin this process", he explains.
UNICEF, the United Nations Fund for Children, is worried about the earthquake's consequences on education in Nepal who made a giant leap since the 1990 years, the enrollment rate in elementary school from 64% to over 95%.
"The more time children stay home, more difficult it's for them to return to school", said Tomoo Hozumi, representative of the UN agency in Nepal. "Education can't wait. It must be an integral part of the overall effort of relief and reconstruction", he says at AFP.

Source : Liberation