
An American think hold the truth about the death of Osama bin Laden

"Justice is done" : it's with these words that US President Barack Obama announced may 2, 2011 the death of Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan by US forces and buried at sea, ten years after the attacks of 11. But many dark areas have emerged over the years about the circumstances of his death. In the latest issue of the London Review of Books, american journalist Seymour Hersh brings a different version of the official.
From his sources, the pakistani secret services were closely involved in the execution of Osama bin Laden, they held in their country since 2006. "We needed a hostage to monitor Al Qaeda and the Taliban" would have explained the CEO of ISI, the Pakistani intelligence agency. The CIA was informed of the presence of bin Laden in a vacation home in Abbottabad by information. "In august 2010, a former pakistani intelligence officer offered to say where the CIA find bin Laden in exchange for the reward promised by Washington in 2001", wrote Seymour Hersh.
After verifying the credibility of statements of this man, who now works at the CIA in Washington, wmericans have placed the residence of bin Laden under surveillance. President Obama, however, would clearly instructed his agents to ensure that it was indeed the wanted terrorist before starting any operation. Pakistani intelligence wouldn't have been difficult to convince to get to the CIA service : a former ISI officer explained that if they didn't cooperate, "all US aid programs have been cut. They said they would starve if we do not help them". The CIA added that he conducted a "blackmail" : "We told them that we would know that they had bin Laden home. We knew that the Taliban and jihadists groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan wouldn't like it".
When Pakistan's cooperation obtained, it was relatively easy for americans to mount the bin Laden implementation operation. A doctor already enlisted by ISI, which met regularly with bin Laden then very ill, was responsible for collecting DNA samples. Meanwhile, the US military were training for the assault in a replica of the house of the terrorist. "It was absolutely clear premeditated murder, a former ensures information. They were not going to let bin Laden live". The White House has always ensured that bin Laden had been captured alive if he went, as she maintained that US soldiers had defended in the context of an exchange of gunfire. "Except those who were killed bin Laden, no other gunshot was fired", according to the investigation of the journalist.
The official version of the performance is also reported many documents allegedly recovered from bin Laden and demonstrate that he was still a pillar of the terrorist organization. "The White House was to give the impression that bin Laden was still operationally important. Otherwise, why kill him? A cover was created: it was said that there was a network of couriers coming and going with files and instructions". Translations of the documents seized would tend rather to demonstrate that bin Laden had very little contact with outside.
As for the funeral at sea, nobody can testify having seen them. The crew of the boat on which they would have occurred had orders not to talk about it, no journalist has himself seen the pictures that would have been made. According to a former american consultant, statements of US soldiers involved in the operation would have pushed the White House to find an explanation for the absence of the body : "Some members of the army boasted to colleagues of putting the body of bin Laden in tatters with their machine guns". If these statements are true, "it wouldn't have much of bin Laden's body into the sea", says Seymour Hersh.

Source : 20Minutes

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