
Congress of Republicans: the triumph of Sarkozy, the downfall of Juppe

The congress of the former UMP, renamed "The Republicans", was held saturday in Paris. Nicolas Sarkozy, widely cheered in front of nearly 15,000 activists, blasted the left in his closing speech. Alain Juppe, he, was booed.

Nicolas Sarkozy gathered his troops saturday, May 30th at the Porte de la Villette in Paris to rebuild the party he chairs and which is now called "The Republicans". The founding congress marks a crucial step in his reconquest of power strategy in 2017.
In his closing speech, the President of the movement attacked the left, accusing him of "caricature" the Republic and the "betrayal by the blow permanent force", citing "gender theory", the "egalitarianism" the "distrust for those who undertakers" ... "You don't protect the Republic, you deliver to the active minorities and successive electoral clientele you serve after you be served", he continued.
Nearly 15 000 people were gathered for this high mass burial at once - that of the UMP, the party founded in 2002 by Jacques Chirac - and baptism "The Republicans".
But the hour is to frugality, because of finances at low tide, the outer tent to house 6000 à 7000 of the activists had not been prepared before the huge iron building "Paris Event Center" where the temperature was rising quickly. Chairs remained empty on several rows on the rear sides. No loud music at the entrance of the stars, setting a minimum for this Congress to the budget of 550,000 euros. Each was even invited to come with his sandwich.

Thousands of these were not less enthusiastic and quick to ignite for the arrival of Nicolas Sarkozy. Other big names as Laurent Wauquiez also received a warm welcome, especially Bruno Le Maire, unlike Alain Juppé. The former Prime Minister, penultimate talking, was copiously booed by militants.
"It makes me sad, but it does not change my determination", were the first words of the mayor of Bordeaux. Alain Juppe was then cheered sporadically during his speech, but the real thunder was triggered when he named Nicolas Sarkozy.
Centrists also spoke during brief messages read in the Tribune, Jean-Christophe Lagarde, president of UDI Hervé Morin, president of the New center, which called for "indispensable alliance" between Republicans and centrists, including regional December.
If no candidate already approached for the primary (Alain Juppe Francois Fillon, Xavier Bertrand, Mayor) does not want to risk this time to break the unit to which Nicolas Sarkozy has been working since his election to the presidency of a bruised left by months of infighting, all refuse to see in this day enthronement of a candidate Sarkozy.
The former president does not hide his presidential ambitions for 2017, but according to a recent survey Odoxa for "Le Parisien", the game is not yet won puisqu'Alain Juppe, the fight largely at a primary in his own camp. According to another poll published Odoxa Saturday in Le Parisien, 72% of French do not want Nicolas Sarkozy comes to the presidential election.

Source : France 24

Heat kills more than 2,000 people in India

The heat wave continues to claim victims in India. According to the latest numbers given by the authorities on saturday, more than 2,000 people died.
This is the second deadliest heat wave known by the country and the fifth on the whole planet. Every summer, hundreds of people, especially the poorest, die because of the heat in India, but the 2015 balance sheet is particularly heavy.
The states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana in the south of the country, are by far the most affected by the heat wave and identify alone 1979 deaths. 17 people died in Orissa, eastern and nine other hand, bringing the total deaths in 2005.
In 1998, 2,451 people died in the deadliest heat wave in the country's history.

In Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, the government launched public education campaigns to the most vulnerable and help them cope with the heat.
In Telangana, the authorities have distributed leaflets and use local media to invite people to drink lots of water and avoid going outside, said the head of the disaster management of the state, B.R. Meena.
According to him, 489 people died in the state. "There was a small decline in the heat but we travel the roads to explain to people how to protect themselves", he told AFP.

However, the authorities believe that the balance sheet should no longer increase. "The deaths will really slow in the coming days", said a senior official of Andhra Pradesh, where 1,490 people died.
"The situation isn't alarming at present. The heat has decreased and we are seeing fewer new heat stroke patients arrive", said to AFP J.V. Subbarao, doctor at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences.
Saturday, maximum temperatures were around 45 degrees Celsius. According to meteorologists, this heat wave could continue next week in several states. The salvation could come from the monsoon, expected in June.

Source : L'Express


A white police officer was acquitted after killing two black

A police officer in Cleveland, Ohio, was acquitted saturday of murdering two blacks killed by several bullets in their car after a spectacular chase in 2012. A verdict could fuel tensions race in the United States.
The trial will follow and at the end, the verdict seems to always be the same. Judged for the murder of two blacks after a chase in 2012, the police officer Brelo Michael, aged 31, was acquitted saturday by justice Cleveland. In 2012 Cleveland police fired a total of 137 shots toward the car Malissa Williams and his friend Timothy Russell, while the vehicle was stopped. At the time, the image of the windscreen riddled with bullets, behind which the two occupants were killed, shocked the population.

The officer accused in this trial is a former Marine. After the chase, he climbed on the hood of the vehicle and the two victims had pulled itself 49 times. But according to the judge, it's not possible to prove that these are his bullets that caused the death of two suspects. According to the judge, he acted in a "reasonable" when he could believe that the occupants of the car were armed, which was actually not the case.

This decision isn't going to calm tensions in Cleveland, where, as in Baltimore or Ferguson, excessive use of force is a daily of police. This is the conclusion of a federal survey released last year after the death of Tamir Rice, a black child aged 12, who was playing in a park with a toy gun when he was shot by a white police officer.

Saturday, just after the verdict, hundreds of protesters took to the streets to protest against Cleveland this acknowledgment, chanting "No justice, no peace." Some clashes with the police were a wounded man. Three people were arrested.

Source : France Info


An American think hold the truth about the death of Osama bin Laden

"Justice is done" : it's with these words that US President Barack Obama announced may 2, 2011 the death of Osama bin Laden killed in Pakistan by US forces and buried at sea, ten years after the attacks of 11. But many dark areas have emerged over the years about the circumstances of his death. In the latest issue of the London Review of Books, american journalist Seymour Hersh brings a different version of the official.
From his sources, the pakistani secret services were closely involved in the execution of Osama bin Laden, they held in their country since 2006. "We needed a hostage to monitor Al Qaeda and the Taliban" would have explained the CEO of ISI, the Pakistani intelligence agency. The CIA was informed of the presence of bin Laden in a vacation home in Abbottabad by information. "In august 2010, a former pakistani intelligence officer offered to say where the CIA find bin Laden in exchange for the reward promised by Washington in 2001", wrote Seymour Hersh.
After verifying the credibility of statements of this man, who now works at the CIA in Washington, wmericans have placed the residence of bin Laden under surveillance. President Obama, however, would clearly instructed his agents to ensure that it was indeed the wanted terrorist before starting any operation. Pakistani intelligence wouldn't have been difficult to convince to get to the CIA service : a former ISI officer explained that if they didn't cooperate, "all US aid programs have been cut. They said they would starve if we do not help them". The CIA added that he conducted a "blackmail" : "We told them that we would know that they had bin Laden home. We knew that the Taliban and jihadists groups in Pakistan and Afghanistan wouldn't like it".
When Pakistan's cooperation obtained, it was relatively easy for americans to mount the bin Laden implementation operation. A doctor already enlisted by ISI, which met regularly with bin Laden then very ill, was responsible for collecting DNA samples. Meanwhile, the US military were training for the assault in a replica of the house of the terrorist. "It was absolutely clear premeditated murder, a former ensures information. They were not going to let bin Laden live". The White House has always ensured that bin Laden had been captured alive if he went, as she maintained that US soldiers had defended in the context of an exchange of gunfire. "Except those who were killed bin Laden, no other gunshot was fired", according to the investigation of the journalist.
The official version of the performance is also reported many documents allegedly recovered from bin Laden and demonstrate that he was still a pillar of the terrorist organization. "The White House was to give the impression that bin Laden was still operationally important. Otherwise, why kill him? A cover was created: it was said that there was a network of couriers coming and going with files and instructions". Translations of the documents seized would tend rather to demonstrate that bin Laden had very little contact with outside.
As for the funeral at sea, nobody can testify having seen them. The crew of the boat on which they would have occurred had orders not to talk about it, no journalist has himself seen the pictures that would have been made. According to a former american consultant, statements of US soldiers involved in the operation would have pushed the White House to find an explanation for the absence of the body : "Some members of the army boasted to colleagues of putting the body of bin Laden in tatters with their machine guns". If these statements are true, "it wouldn't have much of bin Laden's body into the sea", says Seymour Hersh.

Source : 20Minutes

Daech entered into the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria

The city of Palmyra in Syria is encircled for several days by a group of Daech. His breakthrough was announced saturday by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) which also reports of fighting.
The NGO states that jihadists Daech have taken over several areas north of the ancient city, a world heritage tite by Unesco. According to the director of SOHR, Abdel Rhamane joined by Agence France Presse (AFP), "intense fighting continues" on these territories targeted by Daech.
Daech launched the assault on Palmyra wednesday and moved closer to the city the next two days. According to the SOHR, at least 49 civilians were executed during this offensive. At fear of the human toll, is in addition international concerns for the safeguard of the ancient site, about 240 km northeast of Damascus. This threat prompted the Unesco director to ask the UN Security Council to act to preserve the ancient jewel.
Palmyra is located on a strategic axis for the jihadists because that is a communication node between Deir ez-Zor, on the Euphrates, and the road will be in Homs or Damascus.

Source : France Info


Her name is...

The name of the daughter of Prince William and his wife, Kate, born saturday, may 2 was officially unveiled monday by Kensington Palace, the London residence of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
"The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to announce that they have named their daughter Charlotte Elizabeth Diana".
The new princess is therefore called Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. These names represent a triple tribute to the grandfather of the young princess, Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, to her great-grandmother Queen Elizabeth II and William's mother, Diana, died in 1997 in Paris in a car accident.
The little girl of 3.7 kilos, born saturday at 8 am 34, took the fourth place in the order of succession to the throne after her grandfather Charles, her father, William, and her brother, little George. A law of 2013 has amended an old rule of three centuries that the birth of a boy dislodged girls born before him. The possible birth of a little brother so will change nothing. Newborn, however, has a chance to become the queen if Prince George has no children.

Source : Le Monde