
"Islamo-fascism" said Manuel Valls

Manuel Valls used monday for the first time the term islamo-fascism after the two shootings in Copenhagen, apparent reply of Paris attacks and the desecration of a jewish cemetery in Alsace, and called the jews to stay in France.

"To fight islamo-fascism, since this's the way to name it, the unit should be our strength", said the Prime Minister on RTL"We must not give in to fear or division, but we must at the same time pose any problems : combating terrorism, mobilize society around secularism, fighting anti-semitism". "We now need a break. It is necessary that the islam of France assumes, he takes his full responsibility. That's what also require the vast majority of our muslims compatriots", said Manuel VallsThe Prime Minister said again France "didn't want" the departure of jews from France to Israel and criticized, as after the attacks in Paris in january, statements by the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urging european jews to emigrate to Israel"My message to the french jews is : France is hurt like you, and France doesn't want your departure. She says again her love support and solidarity. This love is stronger than hate crimes, be they repeated.. I also regret the words of Benjamin Netanyahu. When we're in an election campaign, it doesn't mean to allow any statement. the place of french jews, it's the France", he said.
Returning to the desecration of 300 graves in a jewish cemetery in Sarre-Union, Bas-Rhin, the Prime Minister explained that there was "no trail at this stage", calling the desecration of "anti-semitic act" against which we must "the strongest repression either". He also assured that the Vigipirate would be extended "as necessary, until the threat terrorist remains high". "We must tell the truth to the french. We must learn to live with this terrorist threat which is the fruit of international organizations especially barbarous as Daech (Organization of the Islamic State) or Al Qaeda, but also to individuals radicalized on our floor, which are French and can turn their guns, knives, firearms, against us, against the military, against citizens", he continued.
"For several months, if not years, we say that the threat is particularly high in Europe and therefore in France. And she remains particularly high in our country", said the Prime Minister.

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