
The ukrainian army withdrawal from Debaltseve

Ukrainian forces began their withdrawal, wednesday february 18, in the city of Debaltseve, where fighting with pro-russian forces held for several days. For the first time, Kiev has recognized that the separatists had entered this strategic city for control of eastern Ukraine. "The withdrawal of troops from Debaltseve is conducted in a planned and organized manner", said Semen Semenchenko, a leader of the paramilitary unit Donbass favorable to the government of Kiev. "A release of our military is ongoing, we're partially out of encirclement", said Ilia Kiva, deputy head of the regional police while ensuring that the ukrainians hadn't abandoned the city. "The street fighting continues. There was a small battle tanks", he added.
While the cease-fire in eastern Ukraine foresaw the beginning of the withdrawal of heavy weapons from tuesday february 17, fighting continued around the city, making even the fear of failure commissioning of the Minsk Agreement. 
The pro-russian separatists seem indeed not ready to stop fighting until they had not taken this city they claim as part of their "inner self". For several weeks, they bomb the rail and road junction, strategic because halfway between the two great bastions, Donetsk and Luhansk. 


Yaounde hosts Central Africa

An extraordinary summit of the Council of Peace and Security in Central Africa (COPAX) held this monday in Yaounde. As is tradition for this kind of meeting, one item was placed on the agenda of the work. It's the coalition response of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) against the criminal action by the terrorist group Boko Haram. Arrived yesterday in Yaounde, the heads of state or delegation will settle at the Congress Palace on the finished files for the occasion by the Council of Ministers of COPAX whose work was completed late in the night from saturday. According to reliable sources, there are concrete proposals of ECCAS to provide multifaceted support to Cameroon and Chad, member countries of COPAX, including human, logistical, financial, diplomatic and even intelligence. As a prelude to the council of ministers, the commission COPAX defense and security met last thursday and friday in the cameroonian capital.
The summit taking place today in Yaounde and whose importance is well established, was decided on january 31 in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) during a consultation on the sidelines of the 24th summit the African Union. Participants at the meeting including heads of state and delegation of ECCAS, the Secretary General of the subregional organization and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations for Africa had then "decided activate the appropriate mechanisms for the community, including the mutual assistance pact between the Member States of ECCAS and the relevant provisions of the Protocol on COPAX, to set up a sub-regional strategy to lend a hand Cameroon and Chad in their fight against Boko Haram".
The extraordinary summit of COPAX being held this monday at the Congress Palace therefore the response of Central Africa to the call on january 8 by the Head of State, Paul Biya, in response to the New Year wishes members of the diplomatic corps accredited in Yaounde, for a comprehensive response be made to the global threat of terrorism.
We remember a week after this call, specifically january 15, the Secretary General of the Economic Community of Central African States Community, strongly condemned the acts of aggression directed against Cameroon and called other member states of the organization to show their solidarity Yaoundé. Six days later, on january 21, Allam-mi was received in audience at Unity Palace by President Paul Biya. After the interview, the senior diplomat had told the press that his host and had floored him on the strategy to implement, in the perspective of a synergy of CEMAC member countries to combat the terrorist group Boko Haram.
Many other friendly countries and international organizations have supported the proposal of President Paul Biya. This is the case of the African Union which validated the project Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) and Benin on the creation of a force of 8700 men. This project and others announced as part of the fight against Boko Haram aren't mutually exclusive. They complement each other in a necessary synergy to ensure peace and security in Central Africa. And demonstrate the determination of africans to take control of their destiny.

"Islamo-fascism" said Manuel Valls

Manuel Valls used monday for the first time the term islamo-fascism after the two shootings in Copenhagen, apparent reply of Paris attacks and the desecration of a jewish cemetery in Alsace, and called the jews to stay in France.

"To fight islamo-fascism, since this's the way to name it, the unit should be our strength", said the Prime Minister on RTL"We must not give in to fear or division, but we must at the same time pose any problems : combating terrorism, mobilize society around secularism, fighting anti-semitism". "We now need a break. It is necessary that the islam of France assumes, he takes his full responsibility. That's what also require the vast majority of our muslims compatriots", said Manuel VallsThe Prime Minister said again France "didn't want" the departure of jews from France to Israel and criticized, as after the attacks in Paris in january, statements by the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urging european jews to emigrate to Israel"My message to the french jews is : France is hurt like you, and France doesn't want your departure. She says again her love support and solidarity. This love is stronger than hate crimes, be they repeated.. I also regret the words of Benjamin Netanyahu. When we're in an election campaign, it doesn't mean to allow any statement. the place of french jews, it's the France", he said.
Returning to the desecration of 300 graves in a jewish cemetery in Sarre-Union, Bas-Rhin, the Prime Minister explained that there was "no trail at this stage", calling the desecration of "anti-semitic act" against which we must "the strongest repression either". He also assured that the Vigipirate would be extended "as necessary, until the threat terrorist remains high". "We must tell the truth to the french. We must learn to live with this terrorist threat which is the fruit of international organizations especially barbarous as Daech (Organization of the Islamic State) or Al Qaeda, but also to individuals radicalized on our floor, which are French and can turn their guns, knives, firearms, against us, against the military, against citizens", he continued.
"For several months, if not years, we say that the threat is particularly high in Europe and therefore in France. And she remains particularly high in our country", said the Prime Minister.


Boko Haram enters in force into Gombe

Hundreds of Boko Haram fighters entered in Gombe on saturday, after setting fire to a police station on the outskirts of the city, firing indiscriminately and sometimes with heavy weapons. These fighters haven't encountered any major resistance from the nigerian military. And throughout their progress, the attackers threw leaflets calling on people to boycott the general elections of 28 march and 11 april, according to a witness quoted by Agence France-Presse. This latter also said that around 11am, Boko Haram fighters were at a roundabout in the city center. While in the late morning, gunfire and explosions rang always, some referred to the presence of a nigerian fighter that would have engaged in combat with the rebels. Note that this is the first time that Boko Haram comes into force in this city of about 280,000 inhabitants.
The elements of the islamic sect withdrew early in the afternoon. A curfew is in force since throughout the state.

Gombe however regularly the scene of attacks. February 2, explosion targeted a campaign rally of President Goodluck Jonathan. The explosion occurred in the parking lot of the stadium where the meeting was held, took place just minutes after the start of the presidential motorcade and caused the death of two people. The day before, a military checkpoint was attacked, attack that killed five people.

Source : RFI 

Obama condemns murders of three muslims students

The murder of three americans muslims students tuesday at Chapel Hill in North Carolina, by a gunman claiming to be an atheist and enemy of all religions, continues to cause a stir in the United States. President Obama spoke friday to convict a brutal and atrocious act.

Barack Obama, who was criticized by turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his silence on the matter, in a statement, said that no one should ever be targeted because of who he is, his appearance or his belief. The triple murder caused great excitement among muslims americans. More than a thousand, including some from other states as that of North Carolina, attended the funerals of young people thursday, February 12th. They do not believe, as stated by the wife of the shooter, Craig Stephen Hicks, the pattern of the triple murder was a dispute over a parking space. Most think it is because of their religion that students were shot.

Arsalan Iftikhar, an advocate for civil rights, said that there was a double standard in the treatment of the case by the media and the government: "If a muslim was executed three white students and was told that it was because of a parking space, most americans would have thought it was a joke". He therefore welcomed Barack Obama has ordered the FBI to investigate to determine if it is a hate crime. In this case, Hicks, 46, who voluntarily surrendered to the local police, would be tried in federal court. 


Carlton Affair : The defense of Dominique Strauss-Kahn

The hearing of Dominique Strauss-Kahn was completed thursday before the Lille criminal court without the defense line of the former director of the International Monetary Fund, which denies any pimping truly undermined.
Believed to have been "the instigator" of encounters with prostitutes organized between 2008 and 2011 by his friends in Lille, Paris, Brussels and Washington, DSK denies being the source of the thin parts in which he participated and said he had never known the quality of the participants.
The judges particularly against him the provision of an apartment in Paris and SMS exchanges show, prosecutors said, he favored the establishment of a "system" to "meet its sexual needs".
"It doesn't make sense", said thursday Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who appeared very calm on the last day of his hearing, while president scanned the some 37 SMS the record.
"I solicited anything", he added, just grateful to have "stalled dates" with his friend Fabrice Paszkowski, alleged organizer of these meetings.
But the word "material" is used only once, he adds, noting that in SMS, "it's easy to loose". Another term "unfortunate", that of "sex trade" appears in the folder, then tells the president. "I heard in the old sense of the word", replied Dominique Strauss-Kahn, admitting a choice "unwelcome".
The former economy minister claims to have been "invited" to these evenings by Fabrice Paszkowski, who would have hidden it the status of women "to make her happy", he who "horror" of the tariffed relationships, recognizing sexuality more "rude" than average. Fabrice Paszkowski and David Roquet, another organizer of fine particles, have also said that Dominique Strauss-Kahn was unaware of the presence of prostitutes.
DSK swept thursday the act "material" pimping which he is charged with the Paris apartment where he was in fact tenant through a legal arrangement.
"Why concealing that he was the tenant ?" asked the president. "I'm a married politician, so I need to receive discretely politicians, but also, let us say, for personal meetings", he has said. "I don't want anyone to know, so I do rent from a friend, it's as simple as that".
So why lying to investigators when they asked him if he actually occupied the place, the lawyer asks a civil party? "It might surprise you, master, because I'm still married to that point".

The court will now examine the financial aspects of the case before the arguments of the plaintiffs, monday, and the submissions of the prosecutor on tuesday. 
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who faces up to 10 years in prison and a fine of 1.5 million euros for aggravated procuring, should return to attend the trial starting monday. The prosecution had asked for a dismissal against him.
Fourteen peoples have continued in this folder, which started around suspected of procuring Lille in several institutions, including the Carlton Hotel. 

"I think the french society opened the eyes on prostitution, and there will be a before and after the trial", said thursday Mr. Emmanuel Daoud, council of a civil party.

The judgment should be reserved judgment at the end of next week.


Ivory Coast, winner of the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations

After a long session (but spectacular) of penalty shoot-ending (9-8), the Ivory Coast won their second continental trophy after 23 years against Ghana.

Twenty-three years after the final of 1992, won at the end of suspense by the Ivory Coast to Ghana, after a penalty shoot-ending goal (11-10), the story is repeated. Under the sweltering heat of Bata, the Elephants overcame the Black Stars after a penalty shoot-out at the incredible scenario. Barry Copa, who replaced at short notice Gbohouo (injured saturday in training) in the Ivorian goal gave the victory to his team by hitting the shot at the winner.
Before that, the issue was quickly taken over the game, on the lawn of Bata, between two teams who feared greatly. After a good start, the Ivorians have left their opponents quickly produce most of the game, under the leadership of a Christian Atsu very incisive. This is also the Ghanaian number 7 has obtained the best opportunity of the match, sending a blistering left-footed shot on the Barry Copa bar just before the half-hour game (26th). Andre Ayew, ten minutes later, center end stop and found the right amount of Ivorian goalkeeper (36th). It was already pretty much it for the final, which was more then produces real clear chances. Deeply started physically exhausted, 22 players have nothing more proposed in the second period, except for a few long shots, never framed. The extension continued in continuity, rhythm and tactics in less approximations and more.
During his three previous finals of the CAN in 1992, 2006 and 2012, the fate of the Ivory Coast had each time decided in a penalty shoot on goal after a blank game score. This 2015 edition was no exception to the rule. The brother Ayew, Andre and Jordan, have yet woken up at the end of overtime to try to avert the fate of their father. Abedi Ayew Pele missed the final in 1992, losing to the already Ivory Coast, due to suspension. But the brothers, who both turned their shot at goal with cool, do not offer this victory to the paternal. At least not this year.

The youngest, Jordan, eyes in space, received the accolade of Herve Renard, coach who knew the relaunch last year, in Sochaux, after firing the decisive goal managed by Barry Copa. The White Witch never both earned its nickname. He went to the Ivory Coast this victory he had taken him three years earlier, during a 2012 final won against all odds by Zambia against the armada of the Elephants.