
Shooting this morning at Charlie Hebdo

The shooting at Charlie Hebdo has killed 12 peoples, including two policemen, and 7 wounded, including 4 "desperate". The journalist and cartoonist Charb, publishing director and designers Cabu, Wolinski and Tignous were killed. The journalist Philippe Lançon be among the seriously injured. 

The newspaper was hit on the day of his weekly editorial meeting, which takes place every wednesday morning with all journalists.
François Hollande spoke on site a "terrorist attack". "We will punish the aggressors", the head of state said. Directorate General of Internal Security and the Anti-Terrorist Section of the Paris Prefecture actively seeking authors. Reportedly, there were two shooters and one or two accomplices. The gunmen changed vehicle Colonel Fabien Square, near the office of Charlie Hebdo. Police reportedly lost track Porte de Pantin (just outside Paris). A police source fears that they make a U-turn and head to the Champs-Elysees.
"Around 11.30 am, two men armed with a Kalashnikov and a rocket broke into the office of Charlie Hebdo in the 11th arrondissement of Paris. An exchange of fire took place with the forces of order", said a police source told to Agence France-Presse. A witness was present in front of the building at the time. He says that two masked and armed men got out of the building bang. About thirty shots were fired. A witness mentioned the presence of "two men who reportedly launched:  We will avenge the prophet". A video clearly suggests the cry "Allah Akbar". The squad began shooting in the hall and on the floors would be mounted. The two robbers overturned a pedestrian in Pantin by escaping with a car, according to BFM TV.
The premises of the satirical newspaper, located behind the Boulevard Richard-Lenoir, made from the under police protection. Since february 2006, the first case of the Mohammed cartoons, Charlie Hebdo has repeatedly been the target of threats. One of the two policemen killed was part of the protection service of editor of Charlie HedboThe second was attached to the police station in the 11th arrondissementChristophe Deloire, General Manager of Reporters Without Borders, evokes an "attack against democracy and freedom of expression". Wednesday's attack was the deadliest committed in France for 50 years.

The Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve quickly arrived on the scene, and the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo and the president of the Ile-de-France, Jean-Paul Huchon. Matignon announced the raising of Vigipirate level "warning attacks", the highest level throughout the Ile-de-France. "Press Organs, department stores, places of worship and Transport" have been placed under "enhanced protection", say the Prime Minister's office. School trips to Paris and activities outside of institutions are suspended until further notice, said the rectory.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls "activated" in the early afternoon the interministerial crisis of government. The head of government has "turned the interministerial crisis and entrusted the operational management to the interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve", said the source told AFP.

The president Hollande announced that tomorrow will be a day of national mourning.

Union movement was launched : "Je suis Charlie"

Source : Le Point

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