
Ferguson's police guilty of racism advanced a damning investigation

The racial profiling practiced by a racist police and the waves of fines as a revenue source for the city, were "routine" in Ferguson (Missouri), scene of riots after the death of a young Black, accused wednesday accused the minister of justice Eric Holder. The minister denounced the "constitutional violations that had become routine" for the city authorities, presenting two reports to the press of his ministry, one on the death of Michael Brown, 18, unarmed, killed august 9, 2014 by a police officer, the other on police practices in the city. This investigation was very expected, the events in Ferguson, added to other police misconduct, who fanned for months the wrath of the black community and civil rights.
The first report concluded that the death of Michael Brown, "although it's a tragedy, doesn't show beyond a reasonable doubt, behavior likely to prosecution" of the policeman Darren Wilson, under a possible violation of civil rights, said the minister. A great local jury also decided not to pursue it.
The second, overwhelming, lists sometimes illegal police practices primarily targeting blacks in the city in which "the only explanation are racist prejudices," said the minister, himself black.
This report of 105 pages notes that Ferguson has a population of 67% black. Yet from 2012 to 2014, 85% of cars stopped by the police were led by blacks, 90% of people receiving fines; 93% of those arrested; 95% of pedestrian accused of offenses and 94% of refusal to obey defendants were black. Blacks were twice searched than whites during checks on the vehicle and police dogs were used only against blacks. 
The report also points to a system, sometimes violating the law, where the police "pressure of the municipality, was no longer a public service but a tool for making money". Deluges of fines were distributed, mostly blacks, for minor offenses which, if not paid, could lead to growing debts, to prison, to the loss of a job or housing . "Three or four offenses" identified during an arrest by car was "routine" and police were even contests for who would find it most, the minister said. The police themselves could be punished if they did not meet their quotas.
E-mails racist content exchanged between police mocked blacks, especially in 2008, to President Barack Obama, according to a given example, would not be long president because "what Black has a good job for four years ?".
The investigation was based on hundreds of interviews and reviewed some 35,000 pages of reports and other police documents. This climate "unhealthy" led to the establishment of a "deeply divided community where mistrust and hostility often characterized the encounter between police and residents", he said.
The minister Holder called Ferguson authorities to take prompt action, stressing that these issues of fairness and confidence in the police, were national order.
By late afternoon, the white mayor, James Knowles, briefly reported that a police officer who racist e-mails had been dismissed. "This type of behavior will not be tolerated", he said, adding that two policemen had been placed on leave pending the outcome of an administrative investigation. "We must all do better in the city, in the state and in the country to tackle the problem of racial disparities", he said, before listing the measures taken as the hiring of three women black, the establishment of a monitoring committee or stopping the increased fines.
In a country where the racism spectrum to the black population is still present, President Barack Obama, the first black president of the United States, had already recognized that the problem was well over Ferguson, pointing "the deep mistrust between the police and communities of color".
Michael Brown family has expressed "disappointment" to see that "the murderer of their son would not be held accountable for its actions". She said she was "encouraged to see that Ferguson police held accountable for discriminatory practices". "The death of our son will not have been in vain if there are changes, not just Ferguson but also in the country", she added.

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon for his qualified by the report as "deeply disturbing" and "welcomed the recommendations to restore confidence". 


Elizabeth Holmes, the youngest billionaire in the world

Elizabeth Holmes, an American of 31 years, born in Washington DC in 1984, is now the youngest billionaire in the world.

Her fortune is estimated at more than $4.5 billion. According to Forbes magazine, Elizabeth Holmes became the youngest billionaire in the world in 2015 and the 110th richest man in the United States. It even reached the 360th position of the richest people on the planet. All this, just 31 years.
How is it managed ? She is the founder and CEO of Theranos, a US company specializing in health and medical laboratory services. From Stanford's benches where she studied chemistry at her internship in Singapore to develop new care procedures, it has built over time a "method Holmes". 
Elizabeth Holmes was born in february 1984 in Washington DC, in the heart of an influential family. As proof, his father Christian IV Holmes was setting in government agencies (USAID), her mother, Noel Anne, a member of Congress, and one of his ancestors, founder of the Fleischmann's yeast company. Child, Elizabeth is already passionate. First, by his great-grand-father, Christian R. Holmes, an american hero of the First World War but also a surgeon, engineer and inventor. This man is a true source of inspiration for her. Born in Denmark in 1857, Christian R. Holmes became the dean of the Medical University of Cincinnati. Today, an hospital named after him. It's like this, dreaming of a similar fate, Elizabeth enrolled in medicine a few years later.
In 2002, the young woman only 18 opens door to Stanford University to study chemistry. In the first year, she gets noted. It was top of his class and received a $3,000 scholarship to pursue a research project with the professor of chemical engineering, Channing Robertson.
Elizabeth then goes on internship at the Genome Institute of Singapore where she studied the development of new methods to detect the coronavirus in blood. On his return to the United States, while Elizabeth was only in the second year, the woman believes to have found a revolutionary idea: a portable chip, a patch that would help administer medication, monitor variables in the blood of the patient and adjust the dose to achieve the desired effect. She filed a patent in september 2003. The company Theranos was born.
Initially, Elizabeth worked in Stanford basements. It develops her ideas, gathers her datas, even tries to continue his studies. In vain. A semester later, she left college to pursue his full-time career. Her research professor, Robertson follows her and became director of the Theranos society. 
In just a decade, in 2014, the company has 500 employees and has filed 18 patents. Elizabeth Holmes has managed to retain control over 50% stake in her company with a turnover in excess of $9 billion today. The young woman from Washington DC, admiring his great-grand-father, has created her own destiny. An empire.

Source : Paris Match

Life resumes his course at Debaltseve

In a corner of Lenin Square in Debaltseve city in eastern Ukraine recently taken over by pro-russian separatists, the town hall plastered its ads on A4 sheets. There is a decree banning alcohol on pain of being sentenced to 15 days of community service. And a call for volunteers. "Citizens, join the volunteers who came here to rebuild the city", it's written.

Devastated by months of bombing, Debaltseve trying to rebuild, and his inhabitants to survive without water or electricity, ten days after the withdrawal of ukrainian troops.
Dressed in military fatigues, like all rebels in the city, Sergei, 14, responded to the call for volunteers. He sweeps the rubble in one corner of the square. "It helps to restore some order, anyway my school is destroyed", he said. As a reward for his work, he'll get canned meat, sardines and some biscuits. Not far from him, under a fir Lenin Square, elderly people are queuing in a black, sticky mud to a cup of hot tea. Cook pasta in over a small fire pot. Residents gather around a multiple outlet on a military truck to charge their mobile phones. "It's far from home but it's the only place where you can recharge the phones", said Oleg Zaytsev, a driver of 53 years. "Through these outlets, I could call my family there three days. They didn't have my news since one month, they were very happy to know me alive", he said while a light snow falls on the city. The family of Oleg lives in Russia, in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. He said, referring to the ukrainian forces: "The nazis stole my bus so I can't work".
At his side, Vladimir Markachouti trying to warm up with a cup of tea. "They destroyed my house, I'm homeless", he said, accusing Kiev forces have fired artillery on the city at the time to retreat. "Nobody wants war, either on this side or the other", he said. "My father is russian, my mother is ukrainian, against which I make war, me ?" Asks Vladimir as if to emphasize the futility of this conflict.
Lidia Bikanova, 77, again from the distribution of a portion of pasta with a jar for her and for his neighboors. "Their house is destroyed and they can not move", she said before bursting into tears. "Thank you, thank you for your help", she repeated, wiping her tears. "It's hard but we have courage, thank you, thank you".
Like every day, the commander of the Enakieve region, Alexander Afendikov named "mayor" acting of Debaltseve by separatists, just give orders in the middle of volunteers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations officials. "Today we reopen a home for troubled mothers. We're repairing the hospital windows. We removed all mines. We distribute 600 breads a day. And the electricity will come back in the central district on wednesday", he list. "Almost 95% Debaltseve's people work for the railways. Since they don't work at the moment, they're asked to help us to rebuild", said the one everyone calls "the Greek", due to his origins.
A man walks with in his hands a round bread that was given to the distribution organized in an abandoned supermarket. "We put the order in the city, we repair the houses and shops open again", he said. "Poroshenko said Debaltseve had been wiped off the map, but it's not true. It's a drunk. Here all the people went out into the street and they work", he says.